
An English teacher for more than two decades, Sabina is passionate about helping adolescents find their authentic voices as writers by giving them the skills and habits they need to become confident, independent practitioners of the craft. Whether it’s literary analysis or a high school or college admissions essay, Sabina helps students navigate the process from start to finish, tailoring her instruction to support each student’s specific needs and goals. Her approach succeeds through a blend of deep experience in writing instruction and her ability to empathize and connect with young people.

Sabina was a middle school English teacher for fifteen years at San Francisco Day School (2006-2021) and more recently at The Hamlin School in San Francisco. A career highlight was teaching playwriting, guiding students through the writing and performance of short plays adapted from Greek myths. She also designs innovative, standards-based ELA curriculum for elementary, middle and high school students. In 2021, she co-created the curricular framework and authored content for The Achievery, a free educational platform developed by AT&T in collaboration with WarnerMedia.

In her non-teacher life, Sabina is a playwright and comedy writer. Since 2014, she has had more than a dozen plays produced by multiple festivals and theater companies in the San Francisco Bay Area, including Killing My Lobster, AmiosWest, The San Francisco Olympians Festival, and the Arabian Shakespeare Festival.

She holds a B.A. in Literature and Writing from the University of California at San Diego; an M.A. in English from San Francisco State University; and a California Teaching Credential in English. Sabina is fluent in conversational Italian and earned a Level B1.2 certificate in French in 2017 at the Sorbonne in Paris.